Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Short ribs, sweet corn and dinner rolls

I have been so busy with my financials statements at work, and been so lazy to blog. lol, well am back now. We had short ribs, sweet corn, and dinner rolls, Ohhhhh so yummy; I got the recipe from my favorite recipe site, http://www.allrecipes.com/. Click on the below link for the recipe, please share your ideas, or any changes that can be made to the recipe. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/barbecued-short-ribs/detail.aspx.

Am looking forward to more challenges from our readers, please feel free to post comments, suggestions in the comment box.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Delicious Salmon

Growing up, I was only introduced to stewed and fried fish, and that is how I know how to make my fish dishes. I started looking for a good recipe for salmon that doesn’t include frying and stewing, and I came across a recipe called delicious salmon on http://www.allrecipes.com/. This is the best recipe ever. My husband can't get enough of it. If you will like to try this recipe out, please see below.

I will post pictures of my result later on.

Please feel free to post the result of this recipe on my comment box. Like I mentioned earlier, I am open to new recipes so please bring it on!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What's for dinner???

I love food, and I love learning how to make food from different countries. I have not been able to go to a culinary school but I figured if people from master chef can do it, I should be able to do it as well. So this blog is basically about making different meals every day (if possible) and perfecting my cooking skills. This is a friendly blog, so please feel free to comment, give advice and suggestions.

If you have a recipe you will like me to try please bring it on!!!!!